Cloud Based Children Toys


Powered by IBM Watson system, new cloud based Children toys are being manufactured by a company called Elemental Path. The toys will be able to engage in real conversations with children and grow with them.

The early prototypes of the CogniToys dinosaur has a big button that, when pressed, begins the interaction. Inside, the technology is lightweight. There’s only a speakerphone, microphone, battery pack, and a small piece of hardware that connects to the cloud. “As a connected device, we’re really doing all the processing in the cloud. The benefit of that is that we can launch a more affordable toy,” explains Coolidge co-founder of Elemental Path.

The distinguishing feature of the toy is its ability to listen and respond to questions and return its answers very quickly due to its connected nature. As it is used it collects the information and remember the previously asked questions. As the system’s content is updated, the next child to ask the same question will now have an answer. Aimed at those ages four to seven, the toy can be customized to its owners. For the toy’s younger users, the system offers activities like jokes and storytelling, while older kids can ask it more specific questions, including questions about educational content, like math.