United Kingdom is amongst the top five cloud nations

United Kingdom is amongst the top five cloud nations on The Software Aliance (BSA) latest report – with Germany leading the way.

The UK is in fourth position out of 24 leading IT economies, behind only Germany, Japan, and the United States. This represents a significant improvement for Britain compared with a ninth placed finish in 2016.

Most countries continue to make improvements, the study finds, but some markets are falling further behind. Turkey is on the 16th position, Russia 21st, China is twenty second.

The report says "The United Kingdom has a comprehensive set of cyberlaws. Data protection laws are particularly strong, with regular enforcement. However, businesses are required to register their data sets with the regulator, which seems to be an unnecessary burden on business and may act as a barrier to some cloud services.
The United Kingdom is updating its laws to reflect the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will come into force in May 2018. This update continues despite the BREXIT process."