Secure Cloud 2014




SECURE CLOUD 2014 will be held in Amsterdam on 1-2 APRIL 2014.
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and Fraunhofer Society for the advancement of applied research (Fraunhofer-FOKUS) came together to organize the third edition of the SecureCloud conference.
Conference is said to be an opportunity for government experts, industry experts and corporate decision makers to discuss and exchange ideas about how to shape the future of cloud computing security. It is also a place to learn from cloud computing experts about cloud computing security and privacy as well as to discuss about practical case studies from industry and government.
Companies like ADOBE, NOK NOK LABS, SAP ,FIDO Alliance, Intracom Telecom, Amazon Web Services, BSI are the sponsors of the conference.
The panels will discuss the following subject matters: 
Telecom providers are carrying cloud computing traffic and some are transforming into cloud providers. In this panel conference will discuss with providers about their security perspective on cloud computing.

Key representatives from the Task force on EU Data Protection Reform, ICO and the European Privacy Association and FOKUS will discuss possible scenarios related to the current proposals to modernise the EU Data Protection Directive, will dive into its implication and impact on cloud computing market. The panel will also discuss about the Code of Conduct for privacy currently under development in the EC Selected Industry Group. The expert in this panel will provide useful recommendations on how to address one of the most difficult and debated issues in the cloud: Privacy compliance

The Operation Aurora was the first of many sophisticated cyber-attacks allegedly carried out by government organizations. Cloud providers are no longer hiding their frustration at having to fight these adversaries. Zuckerberg (CEO Facebook) wrote recently: "When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we're protecting you against criminals, not our own government". Also the data access requests of law-enforcement agencies are having an impact on cloud providers. Forrester estimated US cloud providers will lose a stunning 180 billion dollars in sales. This discussion panel focusses on the impact of government surveillance on cloud security.

Certification and Cloud Security: Leaders from the CSA, ENISA, LaCAIXA, BSI, and the EC will discuss the role of security certification in providing assurance, transparency and ultimately trust in the cloud market. The experts in this panel will provide the audience with an overview on the most relevant certification currently available, their level of maturity and their pros and cons.

Removing barriers to cloud adoption, representatives from Adobe, Google, Microsoft and SAP will answer pressing questions from the cloud users around openness, transparency, auditing, portability and about how customer requirements are captured in SLAs.

Innovative solution for cloud security.

Keynote Speakers include:
Alan Boehme serves as Chief of Enterprise Architecture for The Coca-Cola Company. 
Richard A. Clarke is chairman & CEO of Good Harbor and an internationally recognized expert on cyber security, homeland security, national security, and counterterrorism. 
Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht  is an executive director of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) .
.Neelie Kroes is the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda for Europe. 
Rich Mogull is the Security Editor of TidBITS and a frequent contributor to publications ranging from Information Security Magazine to Macworld.
Dr. Reinhard Posch the CIO is the chair of the Austrian eGovernment platform
Jim Jarvis  is the President of Reavis Consulting Group, LLC, where he advises security companies, governments, large enterprises and other organizations on the implications of new trends such as Cloud and Mobility and how to take advantage of them.

Other Speakers include:
Maximilian Adrian (Director / CRISC, Cloud and Infrastructure Delivery - Security, Processes & Compliance Office, SAP AG)
Amelia Andersdotter is a Swedish politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP)
Paolo Balboni is a top tier European ICT, Privacy & Data Protection lawyer and serves as Data Protection Officer (DPO) for multinational companies.
Bjoern Brencher is Chief IT Security Architect in the Cloud and Infrastructure Security Department of SAP AG, Germany.
Jon Callas is an inventor, cryptographer, software engineer, and entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of PGP Corporation, Silent Circle, and Blackphone.
Manuel Carpio is Director Information Security and Fraud Prevention at Telefonica. 
Daniele Catteddu is the Managing Director, EMEA, in Cloud Security Alliance, where he is responsible for the definition and execution of the company strategy in EU, Middle East and Africa.
Dr. Marnix Dekker NIS Expert and Information Security Officer, ENISA (European Union Network and Information Security Agency).
Gil Delille  is also Chairman of the “Forum des Compétences”, a French association of Chief Information Security Officers (CISO)
Peter Dickman is an Engineering Manager at Google's Zurich engineering centre
Nicolas Dubois currently works as a policy officer in the Data Protection unit at the European Commission.
Ken Ducatel leads the "Software and Service, Cloud Computing Unit" in the newly formed DG CONNECT.
Phillip Dunkelberger is a founding board member of the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA) and is Chairman Emeritus of TechAmerica’s CxO Council.
Mr. Evangelos Floros  works as a Project Manager in GRNET, Athens, Greece, where he is coordinating the PRACE-GR national-funded project whose goal is to procure, deploy and operate a national HPC service for the Greek research community.
Tim Grance  is presently a senior researcher supporting various projects in cloud computing, mobile devices/applications, and big data.
Patrick Grete  worked on Information Security Management Systems, Business Continuity Systems, Mobile Security and Cloud Computing.
 Sven Hermerschmidt acts as head of the task force on the reform of the EU data protection legal framework within the office of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.
Brian Honan is an independent security consultant based in Dublin, Ireland, and is the founder and head of IRISSCERT, Ireland's first CERT. He is a Special Advisor to the Europol Cybercrime Centre.
Dr. Michaela Iorga serves as senior security technical lead for cloud computing with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Computer Security division.
Arjan de Jong is a policy and legal advisor on information security and privacy at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands. 
Hing-Yan LEE  is Director of National Cloud Computing Office at the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, where he oversees the national programme in cloud computing. 
Rocco Mammoliti is currently Chief Information Security Officer in the Security and Safety Department of Poste Italiane and he’s in charge of the Cybersecurity District and of Poste Italiane's CERT.
Lee Miller is Lead Governance, Risk and Compliance Architect for Verizon Terremark in EMEA.
Paul Nicholas leads Microsoft's Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy Team, which focuses on driving strategic change, both within Microsoft and externally, to advance infrastructure security and resiliency.
Tom Nicholls  is currently the Global Commercial Manager for BSI's Systems Certification Business. 
Jean Dominique Nollet is the head of the European cybercrime EC3 laboratory.
Mark O’Neill is VP of Innovation at Axway and is the head of ENISA’s Secure Infrastructure and Services Unit. 
 Dr. Evangelos OUZOUNIS is the head of ENISA’s Secure Infrastructure and Services Unit.
Alain Pannetrat is a Senior Researcher at Cloud Security Alliance. 
Prof. Radu Popescu-Zeletin  is a member of the Romanian Academy and bearer of the Public Service Medal of the Republic of Romania.
Prof. Bart Preneel  is a member of the Permanent Stakeholders group of ENISA and of the Academia Europaea and president of LSEC. 
Aernout Reymer is responsible for the security of all BT Group's international activities - technology platforms, services, people, physical estate, cyber, and contractual arrangements with customers and suppliers. 
Simon Rice is the Principal Policy Adviser (Technology) at the ICO in February 2011.
Ralph Salomon is responsible for defining and maintaining the strategic and operational cloud & IT security requirements at SAP worldwide. 
Raj Samani is currently working as the VP, Chief Technical Officer for McAfee EMEA.
Dr. Theodoros Stergiou is one of the expert reviewers for “Cloud Computing Security”.
Linda Strick is more than 25 years with the Fraunhofer-Institute FOKUS and works as business developer in the application domain of eGovernment.
Peleus Uhley is the Platform Security Strategist within Adobe's Secure Software Engineering Team (ASSET). 
Stefaan Van daele is Senior Security Architect at IBM and member of a worldwide team. 
Frank van Dam works as Enterprise IT Architect / Information Strategist for the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.
Chad Wool  leads the global compliance program at Amazon Web Services

Joint Workshop: A4Cloud-SPECS
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