
QUASAR >> Data Center performance tool

Stanford engineers Christina Delimitrou (a doctoral student in electrical engineering)  and Christos Kozyrakis (associate professor of electrical engineering and of computer science) have created a software tool that can triple the efficiency of computer server clusters in data centers.

As cloud computing grows, so will the cost of keeping big data centers load capacity. Two Stanford engineers created this cluster management tool which will triple server efficiency while delivering reliable service at all times. This way, data center operators will be able to serve more customers in a more efficient way.

The cluster management system  called Quasar, is based on an algoritm Just like Netflix or Amazon. Netflix and Amazon use an algorithm to recommend movies to each of its watchers. Same way Quasar,  will offer advice to thousands of server-farm computers on how to efficiently share the workload.

Today data centers are managed by a reservation system. Application developers estimate what resources they will need, and they reserve that server capacity. But the developers always overestimate, hence this results in a lot of excess capacity.

Christos Kozyrakis thought that they should move away from the reservation system. Instead of asking developers to estimate how much capacity they are likely to need, the Stanford system would start by asking what sort of performance their applications require. For instance, if an application involves queries from users, how quickly must the application respond and to how many users? So Quasar will get parameters from the developers for their applications to evaluate. Under this approach the cluster manager would have to make sure there was enough server capacity in the data center to meet all these requirements.

Christos Kozyrakis said their aim is to switch from a reservation-based cluster management to a performance-based allocation of data center resources. As a result, he said entire data centers could be made to run at 70 to 75 percent of capacity. If so, there could be significant reductions in the amount of power that big computing systems now consume.

Quasar has been in development for two years and has been looked at by several large technology companies. Mr. Kozyrakis said his team was talking with several companies, which he declined to name, about using the software. He may also form a company to develop it, he said, or turn it over to an open source foundation.