UCaaS and CCaaS in on the way


"Have you ever used a Swiss Army Knife?

It’s full of everything you could conceivably need in a pocket-sized tool: knives, files, a magnifying glass and even a toothpick and corkscrew. It’s pretty useful, but you still have to pull out the specific piece for the corresponding function.
What if that Swiss Army Knife retained all its functionality, while being as easy to use as a spoon?
Take that concept and apply it to turnkey cloud-based enterprise solutions, and you have the Avaya Collaboration Pod.
UCaaS and CCaas Right Out of the Box
Avaya today announced two new Collaboration Pod models specifically for Cloud Service Providers, enabling them to offer Unified Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) and Contact Center-as-a-Service (CCaaS) to end customers. These virtualized products come set up right out of the box and customized to the customer’s specific needs, simplifying the Data Center environment through integrated management and support.
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